4 Ways to Up Your Social Game
1. Be Visual.
The government doesn?t have any regulations on images in financial advertising?yet! So take advantage of imagery?s powerful emotional impact and share images on social media that will build a positive association with your brand in your audience.Images are 40% more likely to get shared on social media than other posts!
2. Tell personal stories.
Everyone loves a story about personal triumph over adversity. Chances are most of your customers have one, and a good portion of those stories include a happy financial outcome. Tell these stories of personal triumph on social media to see a major boost in overall engagement. It’s cheaper to use real people telling true stories instead of hiring actors and writers!
3. Quizzes and contests.
Contests and quizzes are an ideal option for financial service providers to use on social media. They compel your audience to engage with your brand and can be as inexpensive to run as the cost of the prize you give away.You can avoid a lot of the regulatory headaches, because they?re not ads!
4. Listen and be receptive.
More and more people are using your financial institution?s social media channels to get customer service?whether you want them to or not. Instead of trying to conceal public complaints, embrace them as an opportunity to cultivate a public reputation as an excellent customer service provider.Opening up social media channels will reduce time and money spent on fielding phoned-in complaints.
Promotion in Financial World
It?s not news to you that promoting your financial services through social media is a tricky endeavor that?s only getting more and more challenging. Between strict government regulations on ads, and less and less organic reach on social media, it can start to feel like a hopeless cause. But don?t give up yet! These four simple practices can revive your social strategy.
90% of people with investable assets between $100,000 and $1 million are active social media users.?
63% of mass affluent consumers take action after using social media to learn about financial products and services.
These four free tips will give your social media strategy a major push in the right direction. But they are still just a small part of a comprehensive social media strategy. If you want to see dramatic increases in post engagement, traffic to your website, and more importantly, in new business, it?s time to talk to the social media experts. That?s us!?And we would be happy to give you a free consultation!
Need help with social media? Let’s chat!
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